Well, after being introduced to the idea of taking more risks, I've been living my life a little bit more on the edge. I've thought about things slightly differently, and realised that 'Dr Pepper' moment, of 'What's the Worst that can Happen'. Realising that it's not the end of the world if I fail at something, I decided to take something on, that's a little bit out of my comfort zone.
I admit, I am very set in my ways when it comes to food, I like to keep to the same things. I'm a vegetarian, so that limits what I will eat. I have always been baking cakes, flapjacks and such desert items. It's something I'm known for in my group of friends, and family. My mum taught me to bake when I was younger, and It's something that I've always done. However I pretty much always stick to the same old tried and tested recipes. Maybe I'll add a different flavour, but nothing extreme. I'm really bad at following other peoples recipes. Its mainly the fact that they are normally wrong that annoys me.
So as a risk, I decided to take something, pancakes, that I'm happy to make by my own recipe, and always turn out well, but to make it by someone else's recipe. I want a bit of a twist. So, I decided to make Cake Batter Pancakes.
Cake Batter Pancakes, I can tell you right now, are sickening. I don't know if I over did it with the sugar, or brought the wrong cake mix, but it was a sticky sickening mess. But I'll still talk you through it in case you want to find out for yourself.
I got the recipe from these two places:
So you pretty much follow the recipe from there, but I tasted the batter, and it was bitter, so I added 3 More tablespoons of sugar (I think this was my downfall). I made the pancakes on a gas hob, with the heat down as low as it would go, I tried a small heart shaped pan, but the consistency of the batter just burnt. So I grabbed a medium sized frying pan, and set to making. I made six of these pancakes, as it was intended to be pudding for 5 adults, and a toddler.
I stacked it as a cake, with a sticky layer of sauce in-between each pancake. Then poured some more of the sauce (which was pretty much butter and icing sugar melted together) over the top, with some added sprinkles and chocolate balls, It was complete.
The tasting was interesting, The toddler absolutely loved it, and then ran around in a circle for the next hour and a half. I ate mine for the sheer sake that I made the effort of making it, I would finish my piece. My boyfriend struggled to eat his, as he had eaten the 'Test' pancake to see if they were edible (before serving to his family). Everyone else ate theirs, but I'm not too sure if they were being polite.
In conclusion, I am writing this the following day, everyone is alive, no stomach problems, so overall I did Not fail. Apart from it looks nothing like what the other websites made.
How they were supposed to look. |
Gaining attention - Must smell good. |
Me, Cooking pancakes. |
The sauce, thats supposed to be white, too much butter used. |
Final Result. |
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