Saturday 21 January 2012

100 Things I am Good at.

I decided to do this task to find out some more things about myself, to see it typed out and be able to examine what I believe, to be things that I am good at. Rather than doing the task that was picking three good things you have done each day, I have chosen to just list 100 things, and will add to it when I think of more! I just don't have the attention span to remember to think of three good things from each day, I have a personality that appeals itself more to lists of 100.
I've found some inspiration from these places:

and I invite you to make your lists, maybe 50 if 100 seems too much.

I am Good at:
  1. Having patience
  2. Filling Out Forms
  3. Baking Cakes
  4. Knowing What I Want
  5. Fixing the computer
  6. Being sociable
  7. Procrastinating
  8. Giving
  9. Remembering things
  10. Loving
  11. Living in the moment
  12. Stimulating the economy (shopping)
  13. Smiling
  14. Positive thinking
  15. Luck
  16. Trivia
  17. Teasing my friends
  18. Cheering up people with small gifts
  19. Encourage people
  20. Making new friends
  21. Complaining
  22. Nagging
  23. Keeping things
  24. Keeping secrets
  25. Decorating the place around me with cute stuffs
  26. Talking to myself
  27. See things from different perspective
  28. See things from other’s point of views
  29. Laughing
  30. Collecting junk
  31. Learning ideas from others
  32. Getting lost
  33. Forgetting things
  34. Sleep for long hours
  35. Tracing
  36. Telling the truth
  37. Finding excuses to buy chips
  38. Entertaining myself
  39. Using Microsoft word
  40. Installing all sorts of software on my computer
  41. Surfing for cute pictures
  42. Coming up with lists of things I’m bad at
  43. Copy and Pasting others lists from the internet
  44. Making jokes with a completely straight face so people think I’m serious at first
  45. Typing
  46. Making pasta
  47. Steadily improving myself
  48. Making complex things easy to understand
  49. Appreciating the meaning in small moments
  50. Making lists for everything
  51. Being late
  52. Sticking with bad habits
  53. Thinking too much
  54. Acting like a Princess
  55. Origami
  56. Brushing my teeth
  57. Trying to do too many things at one time
  58. Eating junk for lunch
  59. Sharing chocolates
  60. Remembering birthdays
  61. Starting projects
  62. Abandoning projects
  63. Finding strange inspiration online
  64. Bookmarking websites
  65. Hugging
  66. Talking to strangers
  67. Saving room for dessert
  68. Asking questions
  69. Being a vegetarian
  70. Being friends with cats
  71. Looking after people
  72. Playing 'The Sims' for hours on end
  73. Falling asleep
  74. Decorating
  75. Making Brio/Lego houses
  76. Reading for pleasure
  77. Keeping up to date with the news
  78. Swimming underwater
  79. Getting my own way
  80. Drinking too much
  81. Eating too much chocolate
  82. Being Organised
  83. Looking after pets
  84. Putting my face on
  85. Showering
  86. Making other people smile
  87. Looking at cats on the internet
  88. Updating my facebook status
  89. Dailyboothing
  90. Keeping in contact with friends
  91. Pairing up my socks
  92. Brushing my hair
  93. Drawing
  94. Photography
  95. Eating Mushrooms with almost every meal
  96. Eating an entire box/bag/packet of something
  97. Being safe
  98. Laughing at things that arent funny
  99. Not laughing at things that are meant to be funny
  100. Being Myself.

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