Monday 6 February 2012

Assignment 3 - Failings

I recently brought a copy of 'The Artists's Guide to Illustration: the Ultimate tutorial collection' And I excitedly flipped through it, and was filled with inspiration for all the lovely things they showed how to make. I was very pleased with my purchase of this magazine, as it aimed to teach illustration, in simple steps. I would have liked to have taken an illustration class, but none fitted in with my life, so I was stuck with magazines. I will be taking the night class at Plymouth college of art soon however, so I will have a few taught lessons, but at the moment, it's just me, and a few people I drag in to collaborate with me, on ideas or on technique. 

Onto the digital stuff. I followed a tutorial to create some art, it was called 'Master creative drawing techniques' (Perks 2011) and it aimed to show people how to use Adobe Illustrator, how to get some of the best results. I followed the instructions, to the letter, and I have nothing to show. I simply cannot follow these peoples ways of doing things. I'm much better off working it out on my own, or coming up with my own creative problem solving solution. 

I scanned in a very simple drawing of an owl, scanned it in,  made the layer as cyan coloured (to make it easier to draw over) and started to draw over it with the 'blob brush' tool. This just didnt work, I couldn't get the lines to join up, they had gaps, or were over lapping. What I created looked ugly, I didn't want to admit to my failure, so I deleted it. You will have to take my word for how terrible it was. 

I'm going to take this in my stride, and mark this down as one of my weaknesses, I can't trace my own drawing on Illustrator. I'm sure there are other methods of doing a automatic trace, or setting it so it looks like a simple line drawing, but I haven't worked this out yet. It's still in its experimental stage.

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